Diamond Hall Infant Academy

Well Street, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear, SR4 6JF

0191 564 0222



I can, you can, we can.

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum design is based on the needs of our children. We consider the skills, knowledge and attitudes in which we want our children to be confident and competent in now and in their future. 

We believe children learn best in meaningful contexts and therefore leaning is based around what is happening both locally and nationally. We are privileged to work with some of the youngest children and we recognise the importance of immersing all children in a language rich curriculum. Vocabulary is at the heart of everything we do. 

We built the curriculum based on what we felt was essential for our oldest children to achieve and planned a sequence of progression from our youngest children ensuring learning is built on prior knowledge throughout the school.

 Alongside fundamental foundations, the wider curriculum covers the early steps within Art, Music, Design and Technology, History, Geography and Science.

Key transferable skills which are pivotal for learning are identified e.g. problem solving, asking questions - with opportunities to practice such skills planned throughout the curriculum.

Learning is presented to the children from the starting point of a theme or topic.  Careful thought is given to how to 'hook’ the children’s interest at the beginning of a topic to maximise engagement and involvement throughout.

Significant consideration is given to ensure the learning is purposeful.  We really consider what our unique infant children need/want to know and adapt as appropriate, whilst maintaining national benchmarks.

Themes and topics wherever possible incorporate ‘real life/ hands on’ experiences so children can explore the content of what they are being taught first hand.

Physical development is crucial to children’s development at a young age so Physical Education is given high priority within our provision.  Teaching is based on the approach to movement called Basic Moves.  All staff are trained in the essential early stages of physical skills.

Outdoor learning holds equal value as indoor learning.  Throughout all areas of learning, outdoor learning opportunities are planned for.

An essential part of our provision is helping each child to develop as an individual, to begin to understand and make relationships, to understand how to be healthy and to be part of their social community.  Opportunities are planned to cover all these aspects.

We also teach the children to begin to understand key ideas and festivals within two religions – Christianity and Buddhism alongside developing an awareness of other religious festivals experienced within our school community.

The children also have opportunities to acquire computing knowledge and skills applying these in different contexts.

Through the curriculum here, the children develop a good foundation in the essential skills they need, alongside providing them with creative, connected and memorable opportunities – ‘creative connections’ - to experience a breath of knowledge and to acquire the skills of learning.   

The Characteristics of Effective Learning - Active Learning, Playing, Exploring, Creating and Thinking critically extend beyond the Early Years Foundation Stage forming part of our philosophy throughout the school for children and staff.